Steve Wells: [00:00:00] This is Steve Wells.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:01] And I'm Jeffrey Feldberg.
Welcome to The Sell My Business Podcast.
This podcast is brought to you by the Deep Wealth Experience.
When it comes to your liquidity event, do you know how to maximize the value of your business?
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Unfortunately, most business owners are wrong. Your enterprise value is a direct result of the depth and quality of your preparation.
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Welcome to episode 28 of the Sell My Business Podcast. Dr. Brian Doorek is a gastroenterologist in South Florida who works with select individuals and C-suite leadership teams focusing on actionable accountability, aimed at measurable outcomes and results. Dr. Doorek completed a post-baccalaureate while at the Harvard School of Public Health before earning his medical degree from the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv university. He returned to New York City where he completed his internal medicine residency and year as Chief Resident at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital at Columbia University teaching hospital.
Dr. Dooreck received clinical training in gastroenterology and hepatology at the university of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital and Distinguished Center for Liver Diseases named by US News as one of America's best hospitals for digestive disorders.
Dr. Dooreck welcome to the podcast. We're delighted to have you with us. Thank you for taking time out of your hectic and busy schedule to be with us.
Why don't you start for our listeners by telling us your background of what got you from where you started to where you are today?
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:03:04] Thanks for having me here. I appreciate it. Yes, my schedule is hectic at times, but my schedule is also planned. And what I've learned to do in my life and what I learned to do in terms of when I share with people whether they're patients of mine or people I work with in the corporate setting, it's to plan and to use time effectively, because from where I am in my world, from what I see and what I deal with, I can tell you life is short. As a preface to my background. I'm a physician, I'm a gastroenterologist based in South Florida. it took me, about 17 years to get from college, to get through my last year of fellowship at University of Miami.
So, I went through a lot of years of training. Cities of New York, Boston, Cambridge, Tel Aviv, Miami, as I mentioned, and I've been in practice for about 15 years,
Working with individuals has been really rewarding, but working with groups and leadership teams has been in bigger writing and now more than ever in a COVID era.
You're sitting there on having zoom meetings on the couch, eating Cheetos, wearing sweatpants with dogs barking and the refrigerator arms reach away. We know. And we've read about it in the wall street journal, and we've seen articles on, they know what's not working.
We know that the home Zoom, home remote working environment is not all what it was cracked up to be in the first month and what's been really fulfilling in terms of that space, is that I know for a fact that the leadership is not working well, it trickles down. Individual accountability challenge, no doubt.
We all know it during this time of so many levels. Leadership cohesiveness is that fray, everyone remote working, and everyone using Zoom. When the leadership is that fray and challenged, it just trickles down. And when you have a company with hundreds, if not thousands of employees and those hundreds and thousands are responsible for families, the empowerment or the need for leadership to remain at peak performance and strength to keep that company buyable, productive, moving forward, market ready, impact so many lives.
So, that's where it's really hit home for me. And really, I see now, more than ever in this COVID era of the importance of leadership, cohesiveness, and the areas I work in from my experience in my life with these teams is really, really exciting.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:05:27] That's terrific. And thank you. And I know for our listeners, they may be thinking, wait a minute, Deep Wealth is liquidity events.
What the heck is a doctor doing on the podcast? And we all had a chuckle about that before we began. Your wealth figuratively, and literally is your health. And if you're not in top physical shape for a liquidity event, it's just not going to happen. At the very least you're going to struggle. And at the very worst, you're going to lose your deal all the way through to a potential investor or buyer saying, Hey, this owner really isn't in top shape. That's a risk for me. Do I want to be getting involved with that? And if I do, there's going to be a significant adjustment.
So, Dr. Dooreck, you are involved with some of the top leaders in your area and you really seen quite a bit out there. So, as business owners who unfortunately are burning the candle at both ends, let's talk about some very practical tips as a business owner. What I should be doing to keep me out of trouble, out of the hospital, and seeing my doctor for my annual physical and that's about it.
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:06:33] Tony Robbins once said, you don't want to be the richest man in the graveyard. It's not going to do you any good. And that quote really stuck with me and it's true. I recently have been sharing on the LinkedIn platform with sharing in my lane.
I stay in my lane very clearly in terms of health, nutrition, colon cancer screening, and now patient advocacy. But life is short and I've been sharing that recently. And I share it with an asterisk, because I can say that. Because where I stand and what I'm doing and, in my world, I see it all the time. And so, I don't say it in a casual sense. It's real. So, what can you do? What can we do?
I'm turning 50 in about six weeks. And for the last eight years I've been holding over my head. I'm going to hit 50 in the best shape of my life because I felt if I'm not going to hit 50 in the best shape of my life, it's going to be really challenging.
And you got to hit 50 at peak performance. Am I exactly where I want to be? No. But am I on target to be in the best shape? And I'm not just talking physical shape, I'm talking emotional state, I'm talking mental shape and talking, overall outcomes and results-based living. Am I in the best financial shape I want to be now?
No. Am I in the best mental, physical? No, but I'm targeted where I want to go. And I've made strides in that area. So, I break it down into these areas of health, diet, nutrition, exercise, balance, and lifestyle. And I really want to emphasize if you could take one, what's the most important thing. I'll use the word balance. Because if we're not living in the state of balance, it's all a mess.
I'm a hyper, high-performing obsessive personality. Side note, if you're looking for a doctor, find someone who's like that, obsessive and perfectionist is what you want. So, am I weighing my food, am I calculating, how many calories, am I doing an obsessive extreme diet? So, intermittent fasting and keto and elimination and not eating and drinking water and fasting. No, not at all. I'm eating balanced meals. I'm using my fist as a rough size of, okay, I'm going to have spaghetti. I'm going to have pasta and rice with my meal. There's going to be a fist sized portion.
Okay. I'm going to have a few of them. Some fat, okay. I'll have some nuts or some avocado or some oil from an extreme, I'm not eating extremes on those fronts of protein. I'll have a good size piece of protein, but I'm not weighing my food and getting obsessive. I'm not skipping meals. I'm eating five times a day, meeting, but I'm good at my meals.
I'm planning out. I have a sense of how I want to eat at this point. And I plan out my day and I am consuming the water I want my day. Cause I schedule it. I say, okay, at 11 o'clock, I'm going to have, a liter of water. I know that I'm going to have a liter of water on the way home from work in the car.
So, I know that I'm getting my hydration that I want. I know I'm getting the food that I want, but I'm looking at it in terms of a broad, healthy, balanced way. Not as an extreme obsessive, ridiculous way to live. It's not it. And the same goes for exercise. Am I getting in five, six days a week, hour long classes at the gym where cross fit or no, absolutely not.
I've shifted my workouts away from that to what's practical for my life, for my world. I'm an active practitioner and a clinical practice growing rapidly, running a nonprofit active on social media, running businesses in terms of executive health coaching for leadership. In this space now of concierge patient advocacy, working with individuals in that, working with doctors growing their business.
So, I have a lot of stuff going on. I just launched a program this week with the American Cancer Society and four national organizations for colon cancer, targeting GI providers. So, I am doing a lot of cool things, but it's only because I could find that balance. So, going back to workouts. Where are my workouts now? 20-minute, 30-minute workouts.
Scheduling them in. I'm doing things like Freeletics and listen, I have no ownership, financial relationship with anyone. So, Freeletics, I do lose a body weight type of workout. It's on an app and I doing different movements, 20, 30-minute workouts. Get my cardio up. I bought X-bar resistance band working. I've been doing dumbbells. I got 20-pound dumbbells from doing workouts, doing hundred rep sets, six, seven, eight sets like that. Getting in 600, 800 movements, 28 minutes. On my home in my driveway when my kids were home with this COVID stuff, getting in it.
Scheduling it planning it, doing it. so that's like what I look at it and work it tomorrow. My workout Saturday morning, my plan is to go run. I'll run two miles. I'll do a Freeletics workout on the pier on the water, 20 minutes, whatever it is that day, do some burpees, do some sit ups, do some crunches, whatever it is, and then run back.
But it's on my schedule because if I don't schedule it, I'm not going to do it. So, it's not the blocks of hour-long classes and going to the gym. I've had to shift away from that because I just don't have time capacity to do that now, but that's what I'm emphasizing the balance. You've got to find what works for you.
in terms of health, nutrition, relationships, lifestyle, the biggest thing I could say and probably one of the most impactful things I can tell your listening audience who are business owners, who are achieving benchmarks in life, who are hitting all those marks that you think you should have. The spouse, the partner, the kids, the house, the memberships, the business, the wealth, the opportunity to exit.
And if you're not feeling fulfillment in your life, if you're not completing your life, where does all that stuff matter? It doesn't. So, what I become very much more focused on is on the outcomes or results I want to get out of life. Like where do I want to be? What's the big picture I want out of this, and really much more focused on that versus the doing, and then hitting all the benchmarks and doing all the things I think I'm supposed to do.
It's more about what do I want to do? What I want it to be for me. And I think you can apply that to all these areas.
Steve Wells: [00:12:44] I'm sure in the audience, there are many people who, have a lot of what you said in their life and integrated and as part of their balance.
And maybe they have good nutrition. Maybe they got a pattern to work out. and now there are other people who probably are struggling in maybe one or all those areas. In nutrition or getting a workout regimen. And I would imagine most of our listeners they're business people. They're pretty driven.
They're accomplished. They're probably type a and for whatever reason, they either don't think they need to do this, or they have had difficulty in creating that rhythm. What would you tell them? How would you encourage them?
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:13:26] So, I use the wording and I live by the wording, actionable accountability.
So, actionable accountability is the methodology that I apply, because I know it works well. My story is not that Hey, I'm born a certain way and I know all the stuff. No, I've into coaching myself and I, went to my gym coach and lost 15 pounds and 5% body fat. I made shifts in my diet two or three years ago and, made shifts in how I look at it.
I get coaching from. individuals, whether it be business, coaching, or work with individuals in Tony Robbins groups at times, to help me. No secret about it. I'm not like, in Nirvana, we’re all constantly pulling. And if you're not pulling, you're not learning.
And if you're not learning, you're not advancing. If not advancing, you're not living. So, for me, actionable accountability comes down to the fact is, and the truth is you're going to think a little more closer if you're sharing your lunch while you're eating with a gastroenterologist or Dr. Doorek, or you're going to be sharing it with your leadership team in a group setting that's secure and confidential, and there's accountability to yourself and to members of your group.
And you're going to think twice, am I putting an extra-large portion of French fries or potatoes on my plate or, I'll go heavier on the greens today. Or if I'm taking a tuna salad, wait, maybe there's a little bit of mayonnaise. I've got to be conscious of it.
So, having feedback every day on what you're eating in terms of an individual one on one, or in this, in a confidential cohesive group setting, you say you have your leadership team supporting each other during this time that is even more challenging than before. It's very powerful because there, when you start holding yourself accountable, there when you start saying, okay, what's my plan today.
What was challenging last week? What's going on next week? What are the outcomes or results you want? Okay. You said in the beginning you want this outcome and result. What are we doing to get there? How do we need to adjust it?
And so checking in and having a weekly kind of wrap up, what was last week? what were the challenges? What were your victories, what's next week? okay, I got a business meeting in Dallas on Tuesday, Wednesday. I'm taking the red eye to LA, okay. How do we work it in? Okay, let's work in exercise this way.
Let's think about how can you eat? Let's talk about those challenges. but checking in posting confidentially where you're eating, how you're eating, how you're exercising. When you get those hiccups, having the ability to pick up a phone and check in with someone, keeping it real, Hey, I'm having challenges.
So, you're going to say to yourself, I can't exercise today, or why can't I get it done. I got to travel. Change the wording. It's not like, why can I, or how come I can't, it's more of okay, what do I need to do to exercise in between my business trips? How do I need to change my diet so I get to the outcomes I want? So, instead of getting stuck on the limits that we put on ourselves it's changed in the wording, in the conversation.
And that takes coaching. Sometimes you've got to rewire your brain. Among many people in my circle are super high achievers in life. Jeffrey and I had a great conversation and shared and talked a little bit about his background and, I know, where we all are.
And I also know from living there boots on the ground, in the trenches, in the same shoes, the challenges that come with it. That's where it comes down to when you have accountability and Sharing it with someone is where you start seeing like really, we start seeing results happen.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:16:54] I think that's a terrific segway into preparation, both on the health side and also the, on the liquidity event side. And Dr. Doorek Although we're in very different fields, completely different fields in many ways, when it comes to business owners and founders, and entrepreneurs. We're really doing some of the similar things, at least in terms of activity.
So, just like a business owner, can't show up tomorrow and say, okay, my business for maximum value is ready to go through a process. It's just not going to happen. A business owner can't show up tomorrow and say, I'm going to be in the best shape of my life just by showing up. And what I really liked about what you're saying is just as we all schedule in those important meetings or these days Zoom calls or phone calls, you’re scheduling in when you're going to be drinking water, you're going to be scheduling in when you're going to be exercising.
And although some people may say I can't live my life have such schedules and it's so confined and so restricted. I imagine when you have it scheduled in. It gives you freedom to a better health. Freedom to not having to worry. Freedom, knowing that you're just going to get it done so you can focus on the big picture, things that really drive you. How would you address that?
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:18:08] Yeah, a hundred percent. I share sometimes online when I post on LinkedIn and the platforms, plan it, schedule it, do it, and I'm not trying to be Nike and I'm not trying to be cliche. I'm not trying to be redundant of other thought leaders and motivational speakers. It's not about that. It's just about, making it happen. Listen, I have my own system. Everyone has their own system. I infuse different systems and try different things to what works. I'm still tweaking. It. I'll give you an example. I'm going to share with you what works for me in my life.
I have on my Google calendar every day, pops up a calendar event every day, which I have two things on it. Must do's things like I must do that though. And communications. So, am I using it every day that way? No. I'm doing other things on paper and I have a daily schedule and I wake up every morning and start my day by making out my daily schedule.
For example, podcasts. I had a call this morning as I was driving to work, I had procedures. I had different things to do. I have communications. So, I have it on paper in front of me and writing it out every day. And every day I do that with some other things I can share with you too, which are somewhat personal, but they're what worked for me and what I hope help other people.
So, I had this kind of daily popup that I don't use every day. But for example, tomorrow, I need to do the hedging. I need to cut some, do some yard work, and I really don't want to do it. I'm on call this weekend. It's Is going to be sunny. I may want to go to the beach and go cutting. I want to exercise in the morning.
I want to go to jujitsu, but I know that guy to do the hedging. So, I've put that in there. Because tomorrow morning when I wake up and I think pops on my computer, it's on my phone at six o'clock or whatever. It's going to be dead in my face and I got to do it. So, I committed to doing the hedging tomorrow.
I don't trust my gardeners to have it done the way I want them do it to myself tomorrow. So, that's where I'm at with that project tomorrow. But I also put in my exercise tomorrow in my calendar, I put my jujitsu in on my calendar Wednesday night, seven o'clock.
Started going through jujitsu on the weekdays with my high school son while my kids are still home. I put on the calendar. I put on the calendar what time I need to leave. Because if I don't lock it in and did, they just happen since this roll and the same could be in terms of exercise and in terms of eating. In terms of checking in with someone how you're eating.
It could be in terms of things you do for your mental health, your emotional health, your spiritual health, your fiscal health, whatever they may be. That's for you to determine where the focuses are in your life. Obviously, a date night, put on your calendar, block it in.
So, I’m a big proponent of scheduling it and finding the system that works for you. And there's just so many out there so many different ways, but just to close on this little piece, that when you asked me about what I do in my schedule and I map out my calendar every day. And I looked at my calendar, writing it down.
I also start my day. The first thing I do in the morning as I'm opening my eyes, I'll get out of bed is I asked myself a question. What am I excited about with my life today?
The first thing I say to myself. And you can do whatever you want, but I'm like really emphasize it because it's really healthy. Part of rewiring is to say that to yourself, focus on what you're excited about because you're focusing on that, you feel a lot different when you're focusing on the challenges that are in your life.
Because we all have them. What I tell myself, I write down on paper, I type it into my notes and my phone. I keep a, a digital log of it. Because that is the rewiring of the things we're talking about because when you're hitting 40, 50, 60, or 70, when you're in your space and you're in the space of what you do, helping people prepare for their exit, if their mental space, if their mental game is not primed, if their physical space and their health is not primed.
If their emotional balance is not there and their life is not fulfilled in terms of relationship and lifestyle and balance, what does it matter? If you have six, seven, eight, nine, ten figures in the bank, if you don't have your health, you don't have your fulfillment in life, what does it matter?
Steve Wells: [00:22:14] I've got a friend who's going through some relationship problems and they have manifested now into physical physiological problems. And, we know this happens and then Jeffrey and I have been through an exit and we walked along other people. And not only are you trying to run a company, you're also trying to sell a company in our case and physically and mentally and emotionally, you have a lot of pressure.
What are the physiological things that good health, good nutrition, good mental state? What happens to us physiologically that helps us, achieve and go positive and prevents us from potentially going negative.
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:22:50] I think, when you're living in a state of extreme anxiety, physical anxiety, emotional anxiety. There's no doubt hormone surge is going on in your body. Stress hormones are surging peaking. Your sleep is being challenged, you're almost a health. Your nutrition is challenged.
It's all composite. I'm not going to talk to you about farfetched ideas and crazy concepts of anything. I think the core thing is our bodies are like a living organism in terms of energy.
What kind of energy is your body radiating when your mind is in a state of balance? In a state of fulfillment, in a state of commitment to yourself, in terms of that accountability to your outcomes or results that you want. In terms of meeting those benchmarks that really matter. Benchmarks, health, diet, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle balance.
I'm not talking about benchmarks, how much you have in your bank. I'm talking about the real benchmarks that matter. Think about the energy that your body will radiate and what your body looks like in terms of an energy there, versus when you're living in a state of anxiety. When you're living in a state of worry, when you're living in a state of fear, in a state of limits, Oh, I can't do this.
And I say to comparing to everyone else, I'm not good enough. Why can't I, why can't this? How come this isn't? How come not enough? How come he has? Versus walking in the street and say to yourself, what do I need to do today to get to where I want to be?
How do I need to change my diet today to feel better and achieve the outcomes, the results I want in terms of my nutrition? How do I find time to exercise? What do I need to do to walk faster, jump higher, swim longer, whatever it is versus why can I? How come I'm fat? How come I'm this crazy endless loop, spinning questions that drive you to the ground.
So, your energy when you're running that story in your head is very heavy. Bringing you down versus the energy when you’re walking tall or feeling taller, feeling stronger, feeling freer. So, I think your friend challenged now by the physical elements of the emotional elements of the stress.
It's all ties together. It's all one big energy field in the simplest of terms. And so, finding whatever methodology he needs to do to recenter, reground refocus is probably the most important because it scares me when I think of what stress does to me physiologically. What's happening on the cellular level to my body when I'm anxious, when I'm stressed, when I'm worried, when I'm in fear. Yes, fear is fine.
Run away from the monster, the tiger or whatever, evolution has driven us to run a fear from the dinosaur. Okay. Got it. But fear from what? Not having the financial security that we think we're supposed to have, not having the relationship we think we're supposed to have not having the acceptance in society or acceptance from your business partners or who knows what will drive you to the box in the ground,
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:26:04] Some terrific points. Let's talk about stress. Dr. Doorek by the time you see a patient, you're seeing the end product or the end result of what stresses has done time and time again, over years.
Let me ask you this. As a business owner, who's going through a liquidity event, whether it be a full exit or having investment in the company, that process itself is stressful. For most business owners. This will be the most important decision that they make in their life. The most important business chapter in their life, running a business, a high growth business is stressful.
So, what advice do you have to our community in terms of how do they de-stress on a regular basis? What can they be doing to keep them in the health lane and out of the trouble lane?
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:26:49] I would say the first thing is just to go to your comment in terms of what the event is, what's happening in terms of the business and exit or quality event and the stress.
Yes, it's stressful. Yes, it's going to be a challenge on many levels. But in perspective of the scope of life and perspective of what really matters, I would say the first thing is put it in perspective. Step back and see it for what it is. Not anything more than that. It's a business event. It's a transaction.
See it for what it is not making it like, more than that and separating that puts it a little bit of a different perspective and it may reduce the stress right off the bat. You start looking at things in terms of they are, numbers, tangible items, versus what really matters in your life.
What really matters to you, meaning less stressed. All of a sudden. You're like, geez, you know what, we’re a few hundred thousand dollars off in our negotiation. What matters? You know what? How lucky I am to have my wife to go home to tonight. How lucky I am that I was taking my son to drive for the first time this week, how lucky I am that my daughter came to me with a problem with her boyfriend. I'm just giving you examples. I'm just saying perspective, balance, focus, and choosing what you're focusing on. So, that's like the number one thing I'd say. Because in my world, what I'm saying, will make your head spin and dealing with things like having those conversations and telling someone that you have cancer, no one trains you for that.
And I'm still not trained for it. And I'm still not always able to have it. And I only try to have it from a place of empathy. That's the most important thing. The second thing I think is really, again, using combination of it, accountability to yourself, to what you want out of life. What are your outcomes and goals are what really matters to you most and using a schedule using commitments, using coaching, using accountability, however you want to do it? I don't care.
So, yes, you could be under a lot of stress because your liquidity event, the exit is falling apart. Suddenly the competition comes in and they're going to outbid you, whatever it is. I don't know what the scenario is. Do you focus on that or do you say, you know what, this is what it is as part of the process, this is part of the game?
If it's not this exit, it will be something else. And you know what? The stuff usually works out for the better anyway, and you know what I have on my schedule, I'm going to go exercise tonight. Okay. You know what? I got to push it back an hour and a half because. I got to deal with this nonsense now with the office, but I'm still going to commit to exercising tonight and stick to that commitment and deal with it.
Or, you know what I need to rest. I need to really get some sleep. I'm just like putting on my calendar, Netflix and sleep, whatever it is for you. But that's what I'm saying is I think that the most important thing, the highest value takeaway would be perspective. We lose sight continually in this overstimulated intense world, that we allowed to become what it is.
This intense world that we participate in right now? Zoom calls, meetings, audio soundcheck. Craziness. Phones going off, texting people buzzing me. Buzzing you. Crazy world. So, sometimes you just need to stop and recenter and reset. If you can't do that, you're so lost in it. You got to consciously pull yourself out of it.
Just to recenter. Listen during COVID, I was meditating every day during lunch, like I put on my calendar three-minute meditation, three minutes, not a lot, but that time there was a lot of uncertainty. We weren't doing procedures. I had the ability to do it. Have I been doing it in the last few months?
No. Does it bother me? No. I meditate in the morning every day and that's part of my routine, but I would like to find that space in my day to say three minutes to reset my mind, to reset my energy, to reset everything I need. And those are little things you can do. I think a three-minute break is shut it down.
Steve Wells: [00:31:04] Some great points. And as we're coming to an end here, I don't want to miss this question because, you touched on it. We're in a crazy time. So, I'm assuming you're seeing more, negative, physical outcomes in your medical practice because of all the things that we're going to and the way society is.
So, my question is you expand on that a little bit more and what would you tell everybody our business people or anyone listening, how do we deal with this? If you were to sum it up, what can we do that to get through this crazy time?
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:31:38] I think we know two things. So, if you're dealing with the individual, how do you pass through a pandemic? Or how do we adjust to the pandemic individually? We're functioning and running businesses, I think is to emphasize the things we shared, finding that balance, finding that focus. Taking your game to the next level.
They say, it sounds a little cliche level up or whatever, but change your life for the better. Is this the end or is this the beginning of something new and greater? I use the pandemic as a time to do massive work on my planning. For my own life. I got to the office every day, the same time, even though we had no procedures, no patients, we were shut down for seven weeks at one point by the government here in Florida. But I was in my office every day at my desk. Doing the work for me on establishing some big-time outcomes or results that I would want my life in the areas that matter to me most, whether they'd be relationships, personal business, service, health, nutrition.
So, I think it's important to stay true to that and use this as an opportunity to do something better from it. Maybe it's working at home allows you a whole different way to look at life the whole way you're going to deal with your relationships. Maybe lots of people to put things in perspective. geez, what was I doing?
It's 50 hours a week in the office for what? I can do 20 hours a week in the office. And I can do 20 from home, maybe 10 from the beach. Whatever it is, or, I can do the same work in 30 hours a week and I can outsource some and I don't need to make as much money. Does it matter for what?
Or you could do less work and so make more money because you're more effective, more focused, more grounded and more centered. In terms of health ramifications of this, the big thing was people weren't seeing doctors. So, we started seeing a big uptake of colon cancers and missed cancer. So, I'd say the most important thing is get back to your routine and your health care.
Get back to your screenings, get back to what's recommended. One of my differentiators is they know how to navigate the healthcare system. And so, I work very selectively with individuals in this space when things are real, when your world's upside down, when your winter's here, like things are real, you got real stuff going on an acute medical crisis, or even a chronic condition.
And you're spinning your wheels in this healthcare, right? Doctor to doctor not getting the results you want. I work with individuals getting them to the best doctors quicker, faster, easier. Getting things organized and presented in a way, the way the doctor wants to see it. Getting a whole change of status, because a truth and the harsh reality is you're sitting in a waiting room.
You're waiting weeks for the appointment. You're waiting in the room for the doctor. You're holding labs and you don't know what they mean. The doctor walks in after making your copayment and the truth of it is you're in a low status position.
It's just the harsh truth, you’re in a very low status position and the doctor's talking. And then within 90 seconds, usually in the computer asking questions and then the computer looking at you and then really has a good sense of where things are at. And pretty quickly that account there's like doctors telling you what to do, who to go see.
Here's your plan? Any questions you're like, no. And then he walks out and you're like, what the hell just happened? And that's the reality of the game. What I do selectively with people, and what you could imagine is this scenario where your doctor walks to the room. Hey, Dr. Smith, I'm really happy I was able to find time to see you today. I think Dr. Doorek spoke to you. Here's my medical summary and handed the one- or two-page summary that is the way the doctor wants to see it. It needs to see it. And I know you're going to have some questions and want to examine me, which is fine.
But before we do that, let me let you know what the outcomes and results I want from today's encounter are. Now what I'm not saying to be disrespectful. I'm not saying to be this, but immediately your status has changed in that room. In the eyes of the physician immediately, you're in on the direction to get more effective, better healthcare, and imagine doing that with the top doctor in the country for your problem, whatever that problem may be.
So, that's what a patient advocacy is at the level I do it. And in terms of, when you talk about ramifications of COVID or this and health and talking about people in your listening audience, you have three options when you're dealing with real stuff. When life happens, when the blueprint the life doesn't go. And your plan doesn't go exactly. According to plan, you have three options, one does nothing. It's done what you're told. Two you do the status quo. You go from doctor to doctor; you stay within your system. Three, you take actionable results for your health. You take massive decisions and you get into patient advocacy. You hire someone, you connect with someone to say, I need help.
Because nothing matters more to that individual than health. So, I would say the take away of what I'm sharing with you in this conversation is when you asked me what people can do in terms of health, is learn how to advocate for yourself or out how to find the right advocate for you because the healthcare system is broken.
It's challenging. And there's the last thing you need to deal with is the stress of trying to get through it. And you're dealing with real stresses are real issues.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:37:04] That's very well said. And for our listeners, you don't have the benefit of seeing Dr. Doorek Like we are, and this is an audio only podcast, but he really does walk the talk.
So, here, Dr. Dooreck Is in a hospital. You're hearing the background noise. you're not seeing him, but he's struggling through some challenging bandwidth issues and all kinds of things going around him. And what he said earlier is my words, that I'm summarizing, I can't control what happens around me, but I can control my reaction to what's happening around me.
So, here Dr. Dooreck is in this bedlam of a hospital and all things going on, and he's talking with us for your benefit. And so, he really does walk the talk and, you're absolutely right. Dr. Dooreck as business owners, as leaders in our community leaders of our family, if we can't take care of ourselves first, we can't take care of anyone else around us.
We have to look after ourselves first so we can look after everyone else in our lives. I wanted to ask one question before we have the wrap up and you've talked a lot about advocacy. As business owners, oftentimes we're terrific advocates for our business, but when it comes to our health, we're nowhere to be seen and that has to change.
And we'll put this in the show notes, we have your links and your information, but for the people that are listening, if someone would like to get in touch with you for you to be their advocate and to get some of your wisdom and your practical plans of how to be a healthy, both on the business side, as well as on your own personal health side, where would someone get in touch with you?
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:38:36] The best thing is connect with me on LinkedIn and, I have my company is listed there and there's the websites and, it can apply. Everything I do is really by application only. It's. I don't take on everyone. I don't think on every challenge.
I'm sure you're selective who I work with because I really focused on. Having a good fit for me and good fit for them. But I am always open to speak to any of my connections. I actually have an opportunity to connect and book short calls with me throughout my week. I find a little carve out time to pick up, speak to people because if we're not connecting on the phone or we're not connecting the way people do and all this digital media is just a bunch of nonsense in my world.
I was speaking to someone from France yesterday who had some ideas about an artificial intelligence medical product, and wanted my opinion. So, I gave him my opinion. I do have a website, that takes you to a landing page for my navigation and other businesses.
But just connect with me on LinkedIn, reach out message me. I will be happy to speak or reach through Jeffery or Stephen. They'll put you in touch with me. You'll see me on Facebook sharing what works for me and how I eat and how I exercise to help people, because that's why I'm on social media, because I can reach people around the world.
Now with my decades of medical training and knowledge and practice. And give people free advice so it will help their quality of life.
Steve Wells: [00:39:58] So, Dr. Dooreck one final question. This is a question we ask everyone that we have the privilege to talk to, and it's interesting.
if you were able to talk to yourself when you were just a young man, maybe you weren't doctor, but back then, you're a young man and you could give yourself some wisdom that you have through your life experiences, what would you tell yourself?
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:40:21] I would say, and I'm reflecting on two summers ago. I did a course in Florida, something I did 20, 30 years ago in Cambridge, before I went to med school. Many people have heard of it called the forum Landmark Education. I did it in Cambridge, in the nineties, 1990s when I was 20 something.
And I did it again two summers ago in Florida is going to have a revisit, which was great. It was different space about it. But in there they asked you to write a letter to someone, and so what I did is actually I wrote a love letter to myself.
And it was a very interesting exercise. Writing a letter, had a picture of myself as a young boy at school, probably first grade, I wrote an eight, nine-page love letter to myself. And it was really helping healing in a lot of ways. But there's one thing that I would tell myself back then, if there was one thing to take away in life that I would instill in anyone is don't live in fear.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:41:13] That's terrific. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to be with us and to share your wisdom with our audience.
Dr. Brian Dooreck: [00:41:20] Same to you guys. Thanks so much for the time today.