Performance And Cultural Alignment Expert Andrew Rush On How To Predictability Increase Your EBITDA

"Keep your head above the clouds and focus on bettering you the people around you to welcome success." - Andrew Rush


Andrew Rush has a history of improving financial results through optimizing the collaboration of teams and developing more effective senior leaders by focusing on the culture and behaviors required to be successful. Andrew has been a consultant and a leader in turnaround situations and led companies that were recognized as being one of the top 50 best managed privately-owned companies.

Andrew does professional speaking and training engagements for small and large groups across North America, covering the topic of performance and cultural alignment: aligning your team to increase the predictability and profitability of your business. Some of the groups that he has been asked to speak with include the Chief Executive Network, TEC, Vistage, Mackay CEO Forum, Industrial Exchange, Business Transaction Forum, and Presidents of Enterprising Organizations.

Andrew has been interviewed for Forbes Magazine and appeared in numerous webinars and podcasts for North American and European audiences. Andrew started his career with Carpedia in 1997. From there, he went on to various companies in the building materials, aluminum, and construction industries as Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Sales, General Manager, and President.

He has held leadership positions in companies with 25 to 1,200 employees in unionized and non-unionized environments for both publicly traded and privately held firms. He returned to Carpedia in 2017.

Andrew also focuses a large amount of his time trying to align his three children aged 17, 15, and 11. This audience is usually his most challenging.

The Deep Wealth Experience has you learn the 9-steps of preparation in 90-days. At the end of the 90-day,s you create a blueprint to help you optimize your business value. You also have the certainty of capturing the maximum value for your liquidity event.



  • How to unlock improved profitability
  • How processes play into increasing EBITDA
  • Why preparation years in advance for a liquidity event is essential for success
  • How the management team plays an essential role in the success of enterprise value
  • Why Carpedia does a two-week diagnostic on a business before starting
  • A study from Gallup suggests 7 of 10 managers are incapable
  • Why 40% to 60% of a manager's time is in reactive mode
  • How having managers focus on proactive time can lift an entire business
  • Why only 1% of a manager's time focuses on proactive time, which is only 7 minutes a day
  • The power of increasing proactive time from 7 minutes to 40 minutes a day
  • Why culture plays a large role in EBITDA
  • How business owners may be a problem in the culture of a business and what can to do about this
  • Why recognizing employees goes a long way to increase culture and productivity
  • How being more humble as a business owner improves culture
  • Two blind spots that most business owners have and don't realize
  • A case study of how a construction company increased EBITDA by improving proactive time
  • The impact of COVID-19 on culture
  • An important area that business owners are overlooking with their culture and COVID-19
  • How to enrich your culture even when employees are working from home
  • The importance of mindset for the success of your business


This podcast is brought to you by Deep Wealth. 

When it comes to your liquidity event, you have one chance to get it right, and you better make it count. Enterprise value is created from preparation and not the event itself. 

Learn how the Deep Wealth Experience helps you maximize enterprise value. Master the same strategies our founders used to increase their company value 10X. 

Access the same 9-step road map of preparation that paves the way for success. Enjoy the certainty that you'll capture the maximum value on your liquidity event.  

Click here to book your free exploratory call.

Enjoy the interview!



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The Deep Wealth Experience

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This podcast is brought to you by the Deep Wealth Experience. In the world of mergers and acquisitions, 90% of deals fail. Of the successful deals, business owners leave millions of dollars on the deal table.

Who are we and how do we know? We're the 9-figure exit guys. We said "no" to a 7-figure offer. Two years later, we said "yes" to a 9-figure offer.  In the process, we increased the value of our company 10X.

During our liquidity event journey, we created a 9-step road map of preparation. It's the quality and depth of your preparation that increases your business value.

After our 9-figure liquidity event, we committed ourselves to helping business owners dominate and win. The Deep Wealth Experience has you create a blueprint to optimize the value of your buisness.

Our solution is resilient, relentless, and gets results. Enjoy the certainty that you'll capture the maximum value on your liquidity event.


Click here to book your free exploratory call.


This podcast is brought to you by the Deep Wealth Experience. In the world of mergers and acquisitions, 90% of deals fail. Of the successful deals, business owners leave millions of dollars on the deal table.

Who are we and how do we know? We're the 9-figure exit guys. We said "no" to a 7-figure offer and "yes" to a 9-figure offer two years later.  In the process we increased the value of our company 10X.

During our liquidity event journey, we created a 9-step preparation process. It's the quality and depth of your preparation that increases your business value.

After our 9-figure exit we committed ourselves to leveling the playing field. The Deep Wealth Experience helps you create a launch plan in 90-days. Our solution is resilient, relentless, and gets results. Enjoy the certainty that you'll capture the maximum value on your liquidity event.

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The list below has the most recent episodes of The Sell My Business Podcast. Click on any title to find the show notes, transcripts, and additional resources.
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Exit Planning
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