Here Are The 5 Ways To Dramatically Increase The Value Of Your Business (#017)

"The secret for a happy and fulfilled life is having your company run without you." - Jeffrey Feldberg and Steve Wells

Jeffrey Feldberg and Steve Wells are the founders of Deep Wealth. The mission of Deep Wealth is to prevent business owners from getting ripped off on their exit. Experiencing their own 9-figure exit, Feldberg and Wells know a thing or two about about exits. Business owners are dreamers, the make-it-happen people, and the change-makers. It's us, the entrepreneurs who put everything on the line and win against all the odds. So, why is it that as business owners, we’re at the losing end when selling our companies? To help business owners, Feldberg and Wells crafted the Deep Wealth Experience. Through the Deep Wealth Experience, business owners learn how to maximize company value.


  • The danger of relying on a few customers to drive the majority of your profits
  • How too few customers drastically reduces the value of your business
  • One of the first questions your future buyer asks to determine if there is a deal and company value
  • The power of recurring revenue
  • How to increase profits through recurring revenue and revenue sharing
  • Why every business owner needs unique barriers to entry
  • Why Jeffrey and Steve did to create barriers to entry that added massive value
  • Strategies you can use for creating barriers to entry
  • Why scalability is often overlooked but is key to adding value to your company
  • What Jeffrey and Steve did in their eLearning business to solve scalability
  • Why you need to find and solve scalability issues for your customers
  • One of the biggest mistakes Jeffrey and Steve made that you must avoid at all costs
  • The reasons why most business owners fail to have their companies run without them
  • Why you must have your business run without you
  • The massive benefits you receive when your company runs without you
  • Why buyers place a high value on companies run by a talented management team
  • Your future buyer's mindset when it comes to you and your management team
  • Why Jeffrey and Steve created the Deep Wealth Experience
  • How the Deep Wealth Experience works
  • Why now is the best time to sell your business, even during the pandemic
  • Why today is the next best time to prepare your business for sale

This podcast is brought to you by Deep Wealth. Are you thinking about selling your business? You have once chance to get it right and you better make it count. Learn how the Deep Wealth experience helps maximize company value before you sell. Master the same exit strategies we used to increase our company value 10X with our 9-figure exit.

Enjoy the interview!

This podcast is brought to you by the Deep Wealth Experience. In the world of mergers and acquisitions, 90% of deals fail. Of the successful deals, business owners leave millions of dollars on the deal table.

Who are we and how do we know? We're the 9-figure exit guys. We said "no" to a 7-figure offer and "yes" to a 9-figure offer two years later.  In the process we increased the value of our company 10X.

During our liquidity event journey, we created a 9-step preparation process. It's the quality and depth of your preparation that increases your business value.

After our 9-figure exit we committed ourselves to leveling the playing field. The Deep Wealth Experience helps you create a launch plan in 90-days. Our solution is resilient, relentless, and gets results. Enjoy the certainty that you'll capture the maximum value on your liquidity event.

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The list below has the most recent episodes of The Sell My Business Podcast. Click on any title to find the show notes, transcripts, and additional resources.
exit planning
sell my business